Client Stories & Testimonials


Before working with KP, I knew nothing about nutrition. I had been on several fad diets throughout my life and had such a skewed view of food. It was always “all or nothing”. No treats for two months, or eating a batch of cookies every day for a week until I couldn’t take the guilt anymore. Then back to being crazy restrictive. I was miserable and was constantly beating myself up for my binging. I finally reached out for some help when I was four months postpartum with my first baby. KP took me under her wing and literally changed my life. Changed the way I eat. Changed my relationship with food. Changed the way I view my body. Changed the way I measure success. She is always there when I need her and makes me feel like I am her only client. She is willing to answer any and all of my questions and explain why when I inquire. She is constantly supporting me and cheering me on. I don’t know how she does it all! I could not be more grateful for her as a coach. For showing me that life can be so much more than living binge to binge. I feel like I now have the tools to teach my sons how to be healthy people and fuel their bodies to be the strongest they can be. And that right there is absolutely priceless!


I really enjoyed my nutrition coaching with Katelyn. She is very knowledgeable and was so attentive to all my many questions and concerns. In our time together, I learned all about optimal nutrition for my specific lifestyle and goals, how to properly fuel my body, and how to feel confident in myself no matter what. I will use the skills Katelyn taught me for the rest of my life.

Kristen França


KP has completely transformed the way I look at food and my nutrition through her vast nutritional knowledge and encouraging, holistic coaching style. I always looked at food strictly from a lens of “the less you eat the more weight you will lose". I had no idea how twisted my ideas of food and eating were until I started working with KP. Over my time with her, I lost 25 pounds, but even more important than the weight loss, I started to feel strong and confident every day. Instead of just telling me what to eat or holding me to strict diet rules, she helped me understand food, macros, and how it all correlates with how I feel throughout the day. Mental health was just as important of a focus as the physical changes for KP, and it was so helpful in making sure I was living healthier overall, not just to see my weight drop. She has equipped me with the tools and knowledge I need to make sustainable, life-long changes and I can’t thank her enough!!



Working with KP has been life-changing. My wife and I learned so much about nutrition and how to optimally fuel ourselves. I can say for sure that after working with KP I am a much better version of myself.

Armando França


“Where do I begin? The most fitting place to start is stating the truth, KP and her coaching literally changed my life. I’ve always been active growing up and played basketball in college. I’ve also always enjoyed working out, but since graduating college my activity level slowly decreased without me realizing it. Fast-forward to almost a decade out of college and I was sitting at the largest I had ever been, by far. This came from a combination of eating terribly, drinking socially, and getting a desk job…sound familiar? I realized I needed to make some serious changes when I noticed it was becoming harder and harder to do the things I loved, like hooping and skateboarding. My knees hurt all the time, I was constantly tired and lethargic, I slept like crap, and most importantly, I didn’t feel good in my own skin. Call it fate or just a coincidence, but I was scrolling through Instagram (sitting being sedentary) and came across KPs instagram story where she was letting people ask her anything they wanted about nutrition. After answering a few of my questions, I dove in and became a client. This was completely unplanned as I always figured a “nutritionist/nutrition coach” is something rich housewives and celebrities had. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Now I actively tell everyone I can to find a good nutrition coach. With any other health issue in life, most of us usually go see a medical professional to get help and get back on track. This is the same thing. Losing or gaining weight can be one of the hardest things to do so, it only makes sense to consult a professional.

KP taught me about an overall healthy lifestyle that included my relationship with food, daily activity level outside of the gym, the importance of quality sleep, and finally, for the first time in my life, knowing what it truly means to listen to my body. But wait, there’s more… I did this all while still enjoying the foods I love. There were no restrictions to what I could eat. As long as I followed my macronutrient prescription, the grocery store was my oyster.

I am now down 75lbs in less than year and that was us taking it slow. There were no aggressive cuts that left me feeling hungry or mentally exhausted. During my journey with KP I took several road trips, ate like an asshole for a full month, moved houses, went through emotional ups and downs due to family things, went through a huge re-org at work, and dealt with a pandemic. KP was genuinely there for me every step of the way.  The journey continues, but with the tools KP taught me, I am confident that I can continue this and keep the weight off long term.

Last thing I will say, KP doesn’t want to be your nutrition coach forever. Yes, she’ll be there to answer questions and help where she can, but her goal is to teach you about food, help you reach your goals, and provide you with the knowledge you need to continue this process on your own. I guess you can sum it all up by saying KP’s approach is compassionate, thorough, realistic, and SUSTAINABLE!”

Devin Duboise Harvey I


I started working with KP as a nutrition consultant 2 years ago. Asking her to help me with my fitness journey has changed my life. Working with her helped me change my whole mindset about food, exercise, rest, my body, and my emotional health. Most of us seem to focus on the scale. I was one of those people too, but learning to have a holistic view of health is the key to change. I came to her as 42-year-old woman. I was 30 pounds overweight. I had been working out consistently for ten years. My relationship with food was broken. I was an emotional eater. I would go on fad diets, always starving myself, which would lead to binge eating. I was at a point where I thought I would never lose the weight; I had accepted that I would always be overweight. I had been diagnosed with PCOS and numerous doctors had told me that weight gain was a side effect that was almost impossible to overcome. In my mind, since I was exercising all the time, PCOS must be why I could never lose weight. After talking with KP, she gave me hope. She said that wasn’t true and that I could overcome. I decided I would give it a try. What initially helped me the most was that my eating plan never left me hungry. Any other diet I had ever tried left me starving. The opposite was true, I had to work on eating enough food. My habits slowly changed as I adjusted my diet to healthy carbs, protein, and fat. It was a learning curve, but I found myself losing about a pound a week. KP would check in regularly with me about food but also paying attention to my body and my emotional health. I began to appreciate my body and feed it so I could perform better in workouts and everyday life. I learned the importance of sleep and began to make that a priority. I learned to be aware of what benefited my body. I also learned how to still celebrate life with food but not let it control me. I was free to go to a restaurant or have a drink. I learned how to plan during social events and my weekly life schedule. Her approach never left me feeling guilty about my choices but empowered to make good ones because I was learning to respect myself. KP is a loving, caring person. If you are ready to make a change and need someone to help you on your journey, I couldn’t recommend her more highly. The older I am, the more I realize that we aren’t made to do things alone. And it is a gift when we find awesome people who can be on our team