Step 1: Decide what your level of commitment is and click the get started button to fill out a contact form.

Step 2: I will then set up a consultation call with you to learn about your goals and give you the opportunity to ask any questions.

Step 3: Once we have decided that we are a good fit, I will send over a questionnaire for you to fill out and establish a START DATE!

Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

  • A personalized approach to nutrition based on your bio-individuality and your goals (intuitive eating, tracking macros)

  • Accountability to help you achieve your goals

  • One check-in a week

  • Supplement recommendations

  • Lifestyle coaching based on your biofeedback

  • Help navigating social obligations/outings

  • Nutrition timing options and recommendations

  • Grocery store suggestions and guidance

  • Performance focused clients will get pre-training, training, and post-training nutrition guidelines

  • Nutrition and lifestyle strategies for optimal recovery

Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness and Nutrition Coaching

  • A personalized approach to nutrition throughout each trimester

  • One check-in a week

  • Unlimited email support

  • Tips on pelvic floor health

  • How to adjust exercise during pregnancy

  • Support rehabbing diastasis and pelvic floor health

  • Post-partum nutrition guidance

  • Nutrition tips during breastfeeding at all stages

  • Post-partum support

  • Post-partum introduction back into exercise

  • Post-partum core rehabilitation


“Working with KP has been life-changing. My wife and I learned so much about nutrition and how to optimally fuel ourselves. I can say for sure that after working with KP I am a much better version of myself.”

— Armando França

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.